Children and Puppies, Benin

Wrestlers at Kuarup Ceremony, Matogrosso, Brazil

Yanomamo Children, Parima Tapirapecó National Park, Venezuela

Yanomamo Girl with Blue-headed Parrot, Parima Tapirapeco National Park, Venezuela

Boy Gathers Livestock Fodder, Askole Village, Pakistan

Dani Boy, Baliem Valley, Papua, Indonesia

Uyghur Children, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, China

Aboriginal boy with Sand Goanna, Tjuwanpa Outstation, Australia

Girl at Temple Door, Myanmar

Mosaic of Children

Boy Playing at Hoop Rolling, Morocco

Tsaatan Children Ride Reindeer, Mongolia

Boy Makes Marigold Cross, Patzcuaro, Mexico

Laughing Boys, Paro Valley, Bhutan

Himba Girls, Namibia