New Photos From Iceland!

Art Wolfe's New Photos from Iceland

So much of a successful photographic experience is being able to adapt to the conditions the planet hands to you at any given time. That was certainly the case with my first trip back to Iceland since 2021.

Case in point: we saw two puffins. Apparently, they have moved to a more remote location on the north side of Iceland (and puffins were easily photographing in the Faroes). However, we did see some other lovely birds, including barnacle geese and their goslings, territorial red-throated loons, arctic terns, and ringed plovers. I just love the beautiful reflection shots as the terns skimmed over a highland pond.

Redirecting to the Icelandic Highlands definitely paid photographic dividends. The landscapes are ruggedly beautiful with much to take in on both macro and micro scales. We took in the grand landscapes formed by an eruption in the 15th century as well as the smallest details such as the common butterwort–a carnivorous plant that has adapted to growing in nutrient-poor soil by digesting insects that are attracted to its lovely purple blooms.

Check out my upcoming photo tours and treat yourself to a little bit of adventure, fun and good company!

2 Responses to “New Photos From Iceland!”

  1. Ernie Hayden says:

    Hi, Art! If you’ve never been, go out to Smith Island in the Salish Sea to view Tufted Puffins, Rhinoceros Auklets (relatives of puffins) and thousands of Cormorants.

    Smith Island is almost due West of the Whidbey Island Naval Air Station.

  2. Thank you for these magnificent photos!

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